Local governance Georgia

CommunicaThon. Debugging Georgia’s politics. Programme, Trainers and Mentors

DRI and Georgian Young Lawyers Association are organising a three-day CommunicaThon in Tbilisi on July 14-16.

50 selected participants will try to ‘debug’ Georgian politics by developing communication ideas and solutions around the theme of extreme political polarisation and its costs. Experienced mentors will guide the teams along the path from early-stage idea to a ready-made plan of a communications campaign. They will help the teams avoid bad choices and encourage experimentation and innovation

Students of social sciences, marketing and PR will be key participants, but the event welcomes others interested in art and design. Teams up to 6 will do problem solving and attempt to create plans and samples of future communication campaigns to raise awareness about the negative effects of polarised politics.

The full program of the CommunicaThon is available in English and Georgian.

See the instructions for the participants in English and Georgian.

meet the mentors

Find out more about the trainers and mentors: read their bios in English and Georgian.

The CommunicaThon will take place at Impact Hub Tbilisi (8 Egnate Ninoshvili Street, Tbilisi).

Screenshot 2017-07-11 09.13.13 - Kopie

The hackathon is implemented by DRI and GYLA in cooperation with ForSet Communications Agency and supported by the German Foreign Office. 



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