Rule of law Ukraine

Public Council of Integrity – Ukraine’s know-how in selection of judges (infographic)

The Public Council of Integrity, PCI (Громадська рада доброчесності) is a new feature added to Ukraine’s institutional framework for selecting judges in the 2016 edition of the Law of Ukraine on Judicial System and Status of Judges. “Public councils” (that is collective bodies composed of civil society activists) as such are not new and exist alongside many official bodies. However, the PCI’s ancillary role is not merely consultative as in other cases. In consultation with civil society, PCI provides feedback to the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine (HQCJU), having a real say in the selection of judges. Its opinion on judges’ and candidates’ integrity and professional ethics should be considered by HQCJU.

PCI is Ukraine’s unique invention responding to challenges inherent in the overhaul of the judiciary. The infographic prepared by the DRI demonstrates the novelty of this entity, illustrating the PCI’s mission, functions, composition and challenges it faces.
